So i come back to write final part of Yazd trip , So , based my recent explain , Yazd located near of desert most of times of year has warm weather , second day i visited a historic house , in the past houses had b a basement and in there they had a line of way of water inside of city , you going around 8 meters under ground to find less temperature . just i started to going to basement and i fell certainly difference temperature however there was’t water more .


Just after couple min to rest in there basement 😀 i came back to upstairs with traditional mirror design and a great yard .

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One of rooms with Mirror design

yazd,traveling to yazd,yazd travel,yazd iran, trip iran,iran trip

Yard of Lari House

After this amazing house that they called ” Lari House  ” just i walking in that area , one most amazing thing in yazd is , you can find a lot of neighbors and historical places and houses in one area , just like you traveled to history , i remember i visit a guy he offered me to going up to roof of one houses they rent that place to take picture from top . after took some shot i left there and tried to eat or drink some cold thing and i found a great sweet 😀 ” Faloodeh Yazdi ”

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Pic from top of roof

faloodeh,faloode,falodeh,falodeh,falodeh yazadi,yazdian sweets,yazd sweets

Faloodeh Yazdi One of traditional sweets cold desert

After a refresh started again to see some thing , Zoroaster is a Iranian religion from 1000 years before The birth of Christ , Fire is one of the sacraments of this religion , So i decide to see a place there has a fire that always turned on from 1500 years ago and never turned off .

Zoroaster,Zoroaster yazd,Zoroaster in yazd

Fire burning from 1500 years ago


After see some other place in Yazd and stay one more night in there , i left there to next destination.

Yazd Water Museum

Yazd Water Museum



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Inside of Emarat Hashti of Dolat Abad Garden

yazd of Iran,book hotel in yazd,yazd hotels

Dolat Abad Garden

Bath khan

Bath khan

BEst place of Bath khan there peoples eating something